What do you want to do before you die?

Create your Bucket List and connect with like-minded people who can support you!

Help us fund the next version of the TUES Bucket List App!

"By writing down your goals, you are 42% more likely to achieve them!"

tues bucket list app platform mockup screenshot
connect with like minded people

Find like-minded people

It's much easier to accomplish something if you're a team. Not only  can you help each other to organise everything, the motivation will massively increase as well if you work on a goal together. Having someone as an "accountability-buddy" will also make sure that you don't loose focus on what will create your future memories.

camping adventure outdoors

Plan your next adventure

Big goals can feel very overwhelming at first. But with the right techniques you can carefully plan and organize them to make them look more achievable. For example by breaking down your goal into small steps, you'll be able to have little achievements regularly that will bring you closer to your main goal.

Joel Eggimann profile picture face

I have the privilege to live such an exciting life and I believe that everyone is capable of doing the same.

-Joel Eggimann (FOunder)

The 3 pillars for achieving a goal.

What it takes to accomplish whatever it is that you want.

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Consuming adventure content, exchange ideas with other users or getting closer to a goals achievement. We will make sure to keep up your motivation level that you never stop chasing your dreams.

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You need to believe in yourself that you can achieve your goal. When you see your friends achieving their goals, it will heavily boost your confidence that you can do the same too. 

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You won’t get anywhere if you don’t know how! Communicate with other users and learn from their experience. The knowledge area contains even more information about how to achieve whatever what’s on your bucket list.

Here are some more things you’ll love.

To make it as easy as possible for you to achieve your goals, we have a lot of helpful features for you!

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Knowledge Area

Here you can learn everything that helps you to accomplish your goals with ease. Wether how to find motivation or how to train your mindset, this page will be your teacher.

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In the chat you can discuss with other users about your bucket list items and help each other out with tips and tricks.


Matching (coming soon)

You don't know anyone yet that shares the same passion as you? The platform will be able to match you with other users in your area who have the same goal as you.

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Privacy (coming soon)

Some of your goals might be personal. Don't worry! You can simply make this goal privat so it will only be visible to you.

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Check out other users Bucket List, get inspired by their goals and explore what people in your city want to do.

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Content is what keeps us motivated. That's why it's important for us that we share our memories that help and inspire you for your next adventure.