The Power of Writing down your goals

If you write down your goals, you are 42% more likely to achieve them*

With every new year we are entering, we are bringing up personal goals.

We all know them too good: New Year’s resolutions like doing more sports, creating better eating habits, or keeping up a daily meditation routine… But what we also know too good, is the sad truth of losing those intentions within a short period of time.

In fact: 6 months later, 60% of all people already gave up their resolutions.
But even worse:
25% of people abandon them within only 7 days.
SEVEN days?!? Looks like those goals die before they were even born!

Why does that happen?
Most of the time we have an idea in our head but don’t think it through all the way to the end.
Like I mentioned in What does it take to accomplish your dreams?, often the detailed and small next steps towards the goal are missing.

The key is to write down your ideas!
If you put your thoughts on a piece of paper, you are already in a process of focus and clarity. During that, you reflect on the current progress and what you really want to achieve. It also helps you asking yourself questions about how you can get there step by step – which automatically makes an accomplishment of the goal way more realistic.

Here is another study I want to share with you from 1979 of the Harvard-University in Cambridge. Because the results are pretty impressive.
They asked students that were just about to graduate about their future goals.
In fact:
83% of them didn’t even have a clear goal for their career**
14% had one but didn’t write it down
3% wrote their goals down

Ten years later they asked those same people about their actual income. Those who had a goal earned on average 3 times more than the ones who didn’t have goals and it gets even crazier when they looked at those who wrote their career goals down:
Those got a 10 times higher income than the group without goals.

Don’t get me wrong – I don’t wanna say it’s all about money! Dreams and goals should be about building out the motivation of joy and happiness but I think this study perfectly shows the impact of writing down your goals.

So, what I want with all this information, is to encourage you to take some time, think about the things you want to do in life, and WRITE them down, whether you do this on a piece of paper or simply on your phone.

If you have done it, feel free to share it with me. I would love to see your ideas!

You can mention or tag me under @joel_eggimann or send a private message if that feels more comfortable to you.

I can’t wait to see your goals and dreams!


Autor: Joel Eggimann // Editor: Tracy Ray