How do you set a goal?
We already talked about the importance of writing your dreams down in
The Power of Writing down your goals. But you
should also know HOW you even get to that point.
Firstly, set a goal.
write it down (the writing process will be covered in the following lines)
There’s this five-letter acronym called S-M-A-R-T. It is mainly used in the business
field for managing projects. I mean it’s funny - overall, we have more serious guidelines
when it comes to business than when it`s about our personal goals.
But in the end, we
should look at our dreams as a serious project like a business one is. Because the more
responsibility we take on our dreams, the higher the chance that we will achieve them.
That`s why it makes totally sense to use the SMART technique to set the goals for your
bucket list.
S -->
Be precise about what you want to achieve. It’s not enough
to say you want to travel. You have to define where you wanna go and even what you wanna do
there. The more detailed the better it is.
M --> Measurable
How do you
know if you have achieved your goal? If the goal is to be happy, it’s hard to measure this
exact statement. But if you are saying you want to spend time in nature every weekend
because that is what makes you happy, you can easily measure that.
A --> Achievable
Ask yourself how you can accomplish this
goal. Is it realistic to accomplish it within the next few months? If no, what do you need?
If your goal for example requires money, which you currently don’t have, you may need to set
another goal before (How to make money first).
R --> Relevant
Is this goal important to
you? Does it really matter to you? Or do you just want that BMW to show off and make other
people believe that you are successful? If your dreams are your deepest desire you are
willing to put work into and so you are more likely to achieve them.
T --> Time-Bound
Set a deadline! Until when
do you want your goal to be accomplished? Deadlines will help you not getting distracted by
other less important things and keeping your focus on your goal.
That’s it!
So, from now on, set SMART goals and don`t forget to check every
single letter.
I actually used to believe that people who achieved their dreams were just lucky. But
the more time I spend on this topic, the more I realized that those people just know what to
do to accomplish what they want.
There’s a technique for all kinds of things (even for achieving goals) and I believe
that everyone is capable to learn a technique. With the TUES platform, I simply wanna help
people to take that first step, help them realize that they can make their wildest dreams
come true if they simply have a guideline to follow!
Autor: Joel Eggimann // Editor: Tracy Ray